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Grabiq G100 Adjustable Chain Slings

Grabiq G100 Adjustable Chain Slings

GrabiQ provides an alternative to adjustable chain slings.  While a traditional adjustable chain sling uses separate legs for the adjusters, GrabiQ chains use a unique built in adjuster on the master links.  GrabiQ master grabs can take the place of three traditional components:  Master link, chain connectors, and adjuster legs.  Since there are less components, the chain sling becomes lighter.

Because GrabiQ often reduces the number of components required to assemble a chain sling, rigging is easier.  There is far less clutter than with a traditional adjustable chain sling.  For a four legged adjustable chain sling you could have up to 13 fittings just at the top of the sling.  With a GrabiQ chain sling, you could have as few as three fittings. 

GrabiQ Sling Type Naming Code

The sling type code is the name of the component or assembly at the top of the sling and the name of the component at the bottom of the sling.  For the top assemblies, MGD is used when the MGD fitting is on top.  Likewise, MG is used when the MG is on top.  You can think of it as being master grab and master grab dual.  For slings that utilize a C-Grab hook or a C-Lok hook, you would use TG or TL (respectively) and the number of legs.  For a three legged sling using C-Grab hooks on a master link, it would be a TG3 For a four legged sling using C-Lok hooks on a master link, it would be a TL4.  The bottom fitting is simply whatever hook is on the bottom of the sling.  Thus, a two legged sling with a Master Grab Dual on top and GBK hooks on the bottom would be called a MGD-GBK.  You can also always call your John Sakash representative for help in identifying and ordering GrabiQ slings.

GrabiQ Chain Sling Grabiq 1 Grabiq 2 grabiq 3
$ 0.00